– De La Vega Tortillas –

De La Vega Tortilla offers homemade Sonoran Style Flour Tortillas (Vegetarian) and Non-GMO Heirloom Corn Tortillas (Gluten Free and Vegan) with corn sourced from Oaxaca Mexico, Authentic Mexican Spice Mixes, Heirloom Corn Chips fried in Pure Olive Oil and various tortilla gift baskets at selected times of the year. All of our products are soy, chemicals and preservatives free and are simply DELICIOUS.
Ruben and Cherai are a modern day love story and wanted to leave the corporate world to work together and support the community. De La Vega Tortillas was born in April 2023 when Ruben was rolling out tortillas and said aloud, "It sure would be nice if we could buy these somewhere." Upon looking we found NOTHING that came close to our tortillas in taste or with clean simple ingredients. De La Vega Tortillas was named in honor of Ruben's mother Maria De La Vega who taught Ruben at a very young age how to cook. Instead of sending this young energetic brother of 5 older sisters to his room she would have him cook with her when he was in trouble. He was in trouble ALOT and became very good at his Mom's Mexican dishes. Our Mexican Tortillas, Spice Mixes and Chips are like no other. Come have a taste and see for yourself. We will welcome you with a smile and a tortilla.
Pre-Orders Available
Pre-order online at our website www.DLVTortillas.com/store for market pickup and for other goodies.